Photovoltaic Power Generation

Photovoltaic power generation is a technology that directly converts light energy into electric energy by utilizing the photovoltaic effect at the semiconductor interface. It is mainly composed of solar panels (components), controllers and inverters, and its main components are composed of electronic components.


After the solar cells are packaged and protected in series, a large area of solar cell modules can be formed, and then combined with the power controller and other components to form a photovoltaic power generation device.

Advantages of photovoltaic power generation:

  1. No risk of exhaustion;
  2. Safe and reliable, no noise, no pollution;
  3. The advantage of building roof is not restricted by the distribution of resources; For example, areas without electricity, and areas with difficult terrain;
  4. Power can be generated locally without consuming fuel and erecting transmission lines;
  5. High energy quality;
  6. Short construction cycle and short time to obtain energy.

Current Situation and Trend:

In 2021, the global newly installed PV capacity is about 27.5GW, compared with 18.1GW in the previous year, an increase of 52%, and the global cumulative installed capacity is more than 67GW.

Of the world’s total installed capacity of nearly 28GW, nearly 20GW of systems are installed in Europe, but the growth rate is slower.

Among them, China is the world’s fastest growing photovoltaic power installation. In the next ten years, China’s PV market will shift from independent power generation systems to grid-connected power generation systems, including desert power stations and urban rooftop power generation systems.


China has a huge potential for solar photovoltaic power generation. With active and stable policy support, China’s installed photovoltaic capacity will reach 100 million kilowatts by 2030, with an annual generating capacity of 130 million megawatt-hours, equivalent to the construction of more than 30 large-scale coal power plants.

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