How is a solar panel composed of?


The solar panel consists of the following parts:

1) Tempered glass

Its role is to protect the main body of power generation (such as battery silicon wafers), so the light transmission rate of tempered glass selected must be high (generally 91%or more).


2) EVA

It is used to bare fixed tempered glass and power generation subjects (such as battery silicon w

afers). The quality of transparent EVA materials directly affects the life of the component. In addition to the quality of EVA itself, the quality of the power generation of components is also very important. If the EVA does not meet the standard, that is, the adhesion intensity of EVA and tempered glass and back panels will not be high enough, which will cause EVA to aging early and affect the life of the component.


3) Battery Silicon Wafer

Its main role is power generation. The mainstream on the mainstream of the power generation


is crystal silicon solar cells and film solar cells. The two have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The equipment cost of crystal silicon solar cells is relatively low, the photoelectric conversion efficiency is also high, and it is more suitable for power generation in outdoor sunlight. But its consumption and the cost of silicon wafers are high.

The equipment cost of thin -film solar cells is high, but the consumption and battery cost are very low. Its photoelectric conversion efficiency is more than half of the crystal silicon battery tablets. At the same time, its weak light effect is very good, and it can also be generated under ordinary lights, such as solar cells on the calculator.

4) EVA

Mainly bonded packaging power generation subjects and back panels.


5) Backboard

It is sealed, insulated, and waterproof.


6) Aluminum Alloy

It can protect the layers of pressure parts, which plays a certain seal and supporting role.


7) Wiring Box

It mainly protects the entire power generation system and plays the role of current transit stations. If the component is short -circuit, the wiring box will automatically disconnect short circuit battery string to prevent burning the entire system. The most important thing in the wiring box is the selection of diode. Depending on the type of battery sheet in the component, the corresponding diode is also different.


8) Silicone

Silicone has a sealing effect. It is used to seal the component and aluminum alloy border, component and wiring box.

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